The Role of Character Education in Preventing Bullying Behaviour in Islamic Boarding Schools

  • Asep Palahu Rijal Universitas Islam Negeri Siber Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia
Keywords: Character Education; Behavior; Bullying


This study discusses the negative impact of bullying in pesantren on the psychological and academic well-being of students, as well as the high number of students who drop out due to bullying. This research aims to: (1) identify bullying behaviour in Pondok Pesantren Bustanul Ulum Ketanggungan Brebes, (2) explain the implementation of character education in bullying prevention, and (3) know the factors that support and hinder character education efforts in bullying prevention. Using a qualitative approach with a case study method, data were collected through observations, interviews with administrators, ustadz and santri, and documentation studies of character education policies. The results showed that bullying behaviour in this pesantren includes physical, verbal, and social behaviour. Character education is implemented through various methods such as example, habituation, advice, reward and punishment, and learning. Supporting factors for bullying prevention include effective communication between parents and santri, choosing good friends, positive attitudes, and self-confidence. On the other hand, barriers come from the limitations of teachers, students, supervisors, and the pesantren environment. Although character education has been implemented, challenges such as lack of effective supervision and understanding of character education among santri and administrators still need to be overcome to achieve more optimal results. The study emphasizes the critical role of character education in creating a safer and more inclusive educational environment. It highlights the potential for these approaches to be adapted and replicated in similar educational settings to prevent bullying, improve student well-being, and foster a culture of respect and empathy.

How to Cite
Palahu Rijal, A. (2025). The Role of Character Education in Preventing Bullying Behaviour in Islamic Boarding Schools. Dirasah : Jurnal Studi Ilmu Dan Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 8(1), 323-336.